Afghan Skunk Regular by Mr Nice - 15 Seeds

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Afghani #1 is a pure indica variety from Afghanistan.
Price: US$72.80
THC Content15%-18%
Flowering Time10-12 Weeks
CharacteristicStrong Physical High
BreederMr Nice
GeneticsAfghani x Skunk #1 Indica Dominant

Strain Traits


It was initially selected for its dense buds and copious resin production, which made it excellent for hashish production. The crossing with Skunk #1 helped to improve its performance outside of its natural habitat. This strain is one of our highest yielding strains producing strong plants with good side branching that produce large, solid buds. This strain often turns purple in cold climates. Although like many indica strains it can be susceptible to mould in humid or wet environments. Afghani Skunk has a strong physical high and is often grown for medicinal use, due to it's reported over average CBD content.
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