The Cannabis Blog

Find all the answers you need to know about Cannabis, with helpful guides, legal news, recipes and more. Full step-by-step walkthroughs on all tried and tested methods, setup and genetics.

  1. Cloning Marijuana: How to Clone a Cannabis Plant 
    Cloning Marijuana: How to Clone a Cannabis Plant 
    When you want to grow marijuana, there are two ways you can do it. You can plant a seed and simply watch it grow. Or, you can learn how to clone weed. Cloning marijuana is an easy way to add to your crop and keep enjoying your favorite strains. A marijuana clone is an exact genetic copy of your favorite plant. Continue reading →
  2. How Much is a Quarter, Pound, Ounce, or Eighth of Weed? 
    How Much is a Quarter, Pound, Ounce, or Eighth of Weed? 
    When buying marijuana, either legally or through a dealer, it’s important to understand the different weights. Weed is sold by weight and as such, knowing the weights will provide a good indication as to how long it will last. The most common weights are a quarter of weed and an eighth of weed. However, frequent users also often purchase an ounce of weed or a half ounce.   But what exactly do these weights mean? How much marijuana can you expect to get from any of these weights? And, what will you pay for them?  Factors that Affect the Cost of Weed  Geographical Location: The cost can vary greatly by...
  3. Why Does Weed Make Your Eyes Red?
    Why Does Weed Make Your Eyes Red?
    Its 2am, your smoking buddy has passed out, you go to the bathroom and look in the mirror and see you have really red eyes. Although it differs depending on the individual, the type of weed and the circumstances, sooner or later most regular cannabis smokers will see a reflection of themselves and wonder if they hit that last joint a bit too hard.  Continue reading →
  4. What is Synthetic Marijuana and is it Dangerous? 
    What is Synthetic Marijuana and is it Dangerous? 
    The underground manufacture and sale of recreational drugs is a necessarily dirty one. Cartels and kingpins do not get rich from consideration for the physical safety of their competition, nor for the health of the people who use their goods. The selling of these products is not limited to the black market, however, and the proliferation of ‘legal highs’ such as synthetic marijuana in recent years illustrates this well.  Continue reading →
  5. What is Rosin? 
    What is Rosin? 
    The word ‘rosin’ actually refers to the swift process of extraction by which this cannabis concentrate is obtained.  Continue reading →
  6. What is dabbing and how do you dab?
    What is dabbing and how do you dab?
    Using cannabis concentrates is commonly known as “dabbing” and has been around for at least 10 years. The legalization of marijuana has increased the interest in marijuana and the benefits it can offer. Continue reading →
  7. How to roll a blunt
    How to roll a blunt
    If you’re used to rolling joints, you’ll have a head start on learning how to roll a blunt, but even if you haven’t, it’s OK.  Anyone can learn how to roll a blunt it just takes a bit of knowledge and a bit of practice.  Here’s a step-by-step guide. Continue reading →
  8. What Does ‘420’ Mean?
    What Does ‘420’ Mean?
    To some it’s a comforting symbol of a free and relaxed lifestyle, an open secret that stoners everywhere can recognise. To others it represents the cringier side of weed culture, bringing to mind amateurish YouTube videos that invariably have the iconic number accompanied by more explosions, air horns and garish colours than decency should allow. Regardless of whether it is used by teenager tokers or referenced in pieces of marijuana legislation, '420' has solidified its place in the stoner world. Yet for all its infamy it seems that all but the most inquisitive cannabis fans are oblivious of where this simple number actually comes from. C...
  9. Anatomy of a Bong
    Anatomy of a Bong
    Take a moment to think of the various bits of debris and detritus that a committed weed smoker will amass even in the course of a single year. Rolling papers of various sizes and flavours, grinders in plastic or metal with finely filtering crystal catching compartments, science lab-esque dabbing tools. And that’s to say nothing about the more frivolous items like rolling mats, novelty lighters and elaborately decorated baggies.  Continue reading →
  10. How to roll a joint
    How to roll a joint
    Learning how to roll a joint is straightforward and this guide will take you through the entire process from start to finish. Continue reading →
  11. What is Kief?
    What is Kief?
    What is kief? If you randomly strawpolled a group of random people and asked them to list words they associate with marijuana, we doubt that the word kief would come up too often. On the other hand, if you went up to a group of weed connoisseurs and asked them “what is kief?”, they would almost certainly be able to tell you all about it and explain why kief is so great. Continue reading →

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